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Time-Travel Through Maps with Chronoscope World Chronoscope World is revolutionizing the way we explore historical maps by offering an immersive web app that allows users to time-travel across the globe. With over 6,212 historical maps from 60 libraries and archives, this app provides a unique opportunity to study the history of cartography, urban development, and…

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Time-Travel Through Maps with Chronoscope World

Chronoscope World is revolutionizing the way we explore historical maps by offering an immersive web app that allows users to time-travel across the globe. With over 6,212 historical maps from 60 libraries and archives, this app provides a unique opportunity to study the history of cartography, urban development, and the evolution of borders and infrastructure throughout time.

Discover the Rich History of Cartography:
One of the most captivating aspects of Chronoscope World is the extensive collection of historical maps it offers. Users can delve into the rich history of cartography, discovering not only the artistic and scientific evolution of mapmaking but also the shifting perspectives on the world as new lands and territories were explored.

Seamless Cross-GLAM Experience:
Chronoscope World provides a seamless user experience despite being supported by over 60 different galleries, libraries, archives, and museums (GLAMs). This cohesive platform allows users to enjoy a unified and smooth interface while exploring diverse historical materials.

Embedded Showcase:
Chronoscope can be easily embedded on other web pages, offering an array of showcases that demonstrate the app’s versatility and pioneering efforts in geo interaction design. As a selected project of the European Cultural Heritage Year 2018, Chronoscope Hamburg exemplifies the app’s potential in historical storytelling and presentation.

Future Developments:
Chronoscope World is continuously evolving to provide enhanced user experience and tools. Upcoming features include support for external geoJSON files, improved information architecture, and 3D travel path visualizations. The team behind Chronoscope is also actively participating in IIIF working groups to create specifications and guidelines for geo interaction design and usability.


Chronoscope World is a powerful web app that allows users to explore the world’s history through maps. With an extensive collection of historical maps and a seamless user experience, this app is perfect for anyone interested in cartography, urban development, and the evolution of borders and infrastructure. Experience the fascinating world of historical maps and time-travel through history with Chronoscope World.

Visit to start your journey today.

To know more about how to use Chronoscope World:

To learn more about historical map tools, you can refer to:

Matthias Müller-Prove